publish date : 4/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
id : 463


Al-Nasiriyyat is a book including ۲۰۷ fiqh and religious-belief issues, and SayyidMurtada wrote it in order to explain, criticize and enrich the fiqh resources written by his grandfather, Hasan Atroush, the author of Deilam and Tabaristan.

The author of Adab al-Murtada states that, "it is commonly believed that Hasan Atroush was a follower of Zaidiyyah; however, a lot of the scholars of Imamiyyah believe that he was a Twelver Shia. Based on what can be implied from this book, one can realized that he was not a twelver Shia because in most of the marginal issues he has decreed differently from the Imamiyyah sect" and in order to argue for his viewpoint, he has appealed to the issues of ۲۰۵ and ۲۰۷.[۱]

This book was published along with al-Jawami' al-Fiqhiyya in Iran in ۱۲۷۶ AH. The book is important, first because it is concerned with al-Nasir's religious beliefs and his propagation in Deilam; and second, because it has dealt with different sects, especially the Zaidiyyah and Twelwer Shia, together.

Once again in this book, SayyidMurtada has referred to some of his writings including: Kitab al-Khilaf[۲], Masa'il Usul al-Fiqh[۳], al-'Adad[۴], and Tanzih al-Anbiya'[۵].


[۱]Refer to Adab al-Murtada, p. ۶۵ ۶۶ and ۱۳۴ ۱۳۵.

[۲]Issues ۲۴, ۲۵, ۳۴, ۳۵, ۴۶.

[۳]Issues ۸۱ and ۱۳۷

[۴]Issue ۱۲۷.

[۵]Issue ۲۰۵.