publish date : 4/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
id : 467
Tanzih al-Anbiya

Tanzih al-Anbiya

SayyidMurtada has made an attempt in Tanzih al-Anbiya’ to verify the absolute infallibility of the prophets, which is the viewpoint supported by most of the followers of Imamiyyah. He has dealt with the Qur’anic verses and the narrations from which one can imply that prophets commit mistakes and minor sins, and then he has tried to interpret them. In the final chapter of the book, he has clarified the infallibility of the ImamsPBUT and has answered the criticism posed toward their conducts.

This book was published by different publishers, including Dar al-Adwa’ in Beirut (۱۴۰۹ AH, ۲nd edition), and ThePhilosophy and Theology Research Faculty of the Research Center for Islamic Sciences and Culture, which published it along with the research done by Fars Hasun Karim in ۱۳۸۰ AH.

In this book, SayyidMurtada has made a reference to al-Shafi and Risalat al-Muqni’ fi al-Ghaybah.