publish date : 4/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
id : 469
Al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah

Al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah

Al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah was published in two volumes in Najaf. In this book, as SayyidMurtada himself states in the introduction, some chapters of ShaykhMufid's books in general and a number of points from his book al-’Uyun wa al-Mahasin in particular have been included. As it can be implied through the book, Sayyid has added to the book what was dictated to him by Mufid. 

The Rijal Books imply that al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah cannot be considered with certainty to have been written by SayyidMurtada, because it has not been mentioned in Basrawi''s certificate; furthermore, some writers of narration books have considered it as a book written by Mufid.[۱] In addition, Ibn Shahr Ashub believes it to have been written by Mufid.[۲] However, through a reference to the book itself, it can be clearly understood that it was written by Sharif Murtada. Korki 'Amili's grandson in his book, Raf' al-Bid'ah cites from two books, one of which is Mufid's al-’Uyunwa al-Mahasin and the other is SayyidMurtada's al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah. The same thing is also observable in the book Daf' al-Manawah 'an al-Tafdil wa al-Musawat.[۳] Therefore, it is probable that SayyidMurtada's book was titled as al-Fusul al-Mukhtarah Min al-'Uyunwa al-Mahasin, because most of its content has been adopted from Mufid's al-Uyun wa al-Mahasin.


[۱] Riyad al-‘Ulama , Makhtout, cited from Bihar al-Anwar (Adab al-Murtada, p. ۱۴۱).

[۲]Ma'alim al-'Ulama, p. ۱۰۱, T. Iran.

[۳] Riyad al-‘Ulama , Makhtout, translated by Murtada (Adab al-Murtada, p. ۱۴۱).