publish date : 4/5/2015 12:00:00 AM
id : 474
Al-Muqni' fi al-Ghaybah

Al-Muqni' fi al-Ghaybah

Al-Muqni' fi al-Ghaybah, which has been mentioned in Basrawi's certificate, deals with the issues concerning Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his advent) and the discussion of occultation. As mentioned in Ma'alim al-'Ulama, SayyidMurtada wrote the book for the vizier Ibn al-Maghribi.

[۱] The book has numerous printed versions, such as the one printed in ۱۳۷۴ (AH: ۱۴۱۶ lunar), along with the revisions by Muhammad Ali Hakim, published by The Mu'assasah 'Al al-Bayt li 'Ihya al-Turath.


[۱]Ibn Shahr Ashoub, Ma'alim al-'Ulama, p. ۷۰.